Cuesta College :: Astronomy 210L :: Spring 2020
Calendar Policies Projects Grades

Section 30679  W  2:00-4:50 PM Room 2108 (SLO)
Section 30680F  9:00-11:50 AM  Room 2101 (SLO)
Course Policies
      This course is a separate laboratory from Astronomy 210 lecture.  The prerequisites for this course are a grade of "C" or better in either Math 123, Math 123SI (or an equivalent course); and concurrent enrollment in Astronomy 210 lecture (or completed in a previous semester).  Student learning outcomes are organized into six general topics:
  • Keep abreast of present-day discoveries and developments in astronomy (current events).
  • Develop scientific evidence-based research questions.
  • Develop procedures to gather evidence in order to answer research questions.
  • Make appropriate evidence-supported conclusions.
  • Explain research findings in a report, poster, or presentation.
  • Evaluate evidence to determine whether or not it appropriately answers a research question.
      No specific astronomy textbook is required, but access to any college-level textbook is encouraged for reference purposes. Online resources will be used for research data and information. Website       Announcements, updates, assignments and worksheets are posted at: Contact Information Dr. Patrick M. Len office: Building 6600D, Room 1 (SLO campus), Room N2434 (NC campus) phone: (805) 546-3100, x2693 e-mail: P M L @ w a i f e r x . c o m Twitter: #CuestaAstr210
office hours:    TuTh (NC campus N2434) 1:00-2:30 PM
W (SLO campus 6600D, room 1) 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
F (SLO campus 6600D, room 1) 12:00-1:00 PM
(Appointments and drop-ins are welcome.)
Course Grading       There is no curve for this course, performance is strictly determined by a 100-point scale. There are no +/- grades.
      0-39 points  F
      40-54 points  D
      55-69 points  C
      70-84 points  B
      85-100+ points  A
Academic Responsibilities       Be informed of and to abide by the Student Code of Conduct, and to enroll and/or drop a class by the appropriate deadlines. Contact Disabled Student Program & Services in a timely manner (San Luis Obispo campus: 546-3148; North County campus: 591-6215) regarding arrangements for disability accommodations.